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The services provided by Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Industrial Property combine the need to achieve and maintain the highest technical standards in all its activities, with the permanent aim of ensuring that its work brings value to clients by offering practical, efficient solutions to their problems.
Our services include:
- Auditing industrial property portfolios: reviewing clients’ industrial property rights, assessing incidents affecting them, and analyzing and formulating proposals for improvement;
- Applying for new registrations, pursuing these until they are granted;
- Defending clients’ industrial property rights before the various Spanish, Community and international organizations;
- Maintaining and controlling clients’ industrial property portfolios, including alerts concerning incidents and expirations;
- Researching and drafting reports, including reports on identical and similar elements of industrial property and pre-registration reports to assess the possibility of successfully securing industrial property rights;
- Registering contracts and transactions relating to industrial property rights; and
- Monitoring new applications for Spanish, Community or international registrations that might conflict with or affect our clients’ rights.
The services provided by Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira Propiedad Industrial are not limited to examining specific situations arising in a company’s business. In addition to reviewing and analyzing a firm’s intangible assets, the experience of the lawyers and agents enables them to play an active role in drawing up business policies on industrial property and help clients establish strategies to protect or exploit these rights.